
Unrestinexchangemarketsanddisturbingflowsofspeculativecapitalpersistedthroughoutmuchof1972.Earlyin1973theSmithsonianexchangeratescollapsed ...,TheUnitedStatesagreed“toproposetoCongressasuitablemeansfordevaluingthedollarintermsofgoldto$38.00anounceassoonastherelatedsetof ...,由ELMorse著作·1973·被引用4次—centasspelledoutintheSmithsonianagreementofDecember1971).Anothersetofissues,tobenegotiatedwi...

Aftermath of the Smithsonian Agreement

Unrest in exchange markets and disturbing flows of speculative capital persisted throughout much of 1972. Early in 1973 the Smithsonian exchange rates collapsed ...

Chapter 26

The United States agreed “to propose to Congress a suitable means for devaluing the dollar in terms of gold to $38.00 an ounce as soon as the related set of ...

Crisis Diplomacy

由 EL Morse 著作 · 1973 · 被引用 4 次 — cent as spelled out in the Smithsonian agreement of December 1971). Another set of issues, to be negotiated with the more immediate ob- jectives of the NEP ...

Nixon and the End of the Bretton Woods System, 1971

... Smithsonian Agreement. Although characterized by Nixon as “the most significant monetary agreement in the history of the world,” the exchange rates ...

Smithsonian Agreement

The US pledged to peg the dollar at $38/ounce (instead of $35/ounce; in other words: the USD rate lost 7.9%) with 2.25% trading bands, and other countries ...

Smithsonian Agreement

2023年3月29日 — The Smithsonian Agreement was an agreement signed by 10 top industrialized countries in 1971to regulate international payment and exchange ...

Smithsonian Agreement

On Dec. 17 and 18, 1971, representatives of the Group of Ten met at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and agreed on a realignment of currencies ...

Smithsonian Agreement

The Smithsonian Agreement was a deal reached in 1971 among the G10 countries to adjust the system of fixed international currency exchange rates.

The Smithsonian Agreement

At the Smithsonian meeting, the United States agreed to devalue the dollar against gold by approximately 8.5 percent to $38 per ounce. Other countries offered ...


史密松寧協定(英語:Smithsonian Agreement)指1971年12月,布列敦森林制度解體後西方十國集團所達成的新的國際貨幣制度的協定。由於會議在史密松寧學會召開而得名。